A newly published study conducted by researchers from the Monash University shows that palm tocotrienol complex has beneficial effects in ameliorating several metabolic syndrome related conditions after four weeks of supplementation.

Researchers at the Monash University conducted this study on 21 rats randomized equally into three groups called “control diet”, “high-fat diet” and “TRF” groups. Control diet group was given a low-fat diet, while the high-fat diet and TRF groups were given high-fat diets for 8 weeks to induce metabolic syndrome. Subsequently, TRF group was supplemented for four weeks with 60mg/kg of tocotrienol rich fraction of palm oil (Tocovid SupraBio™ full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex – contains ExcelVite’s EVNol SupraBio™), delivered in a 10% glucose solution. The control and high-fat diet groups were given just the 10% glucose solution for four weeks. At the end of the experiment, the rats underwent 12 hour fasting prior to euthanasia with carbon dioxide. Blood and tissue samples were collected, processed, and analysed.
The researchers found that 8 weeks of high-fat diet induced full blown metabolic syndrome in the rats, including diabetes mellitus. Subsequent 4 weeks of TRF supplementation was able to :-
- reverse hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and fatty liver;
- inhibit protein glycation to reduce glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and advanced glycation end products (AGE);
- restore antioxidant capacity and reduce myeloperoxidase activities that may lead to oxidative stress.
On the other hand, the researchers did not observe significant results in relation to visceral fat deposit, glucose level, plasma triglycerides or peroxisome proliferator-activated alpha and gamma expression.
Based on these favourable findings, the researchers concluded that TRF may have potential for metabolic syndrome therapy especially on cardiovascular and liver health, and therefore worth further investigation.
“In addition to the potent antioxidant property of tocotrienol which plays an important role in restoring antioxidant capacity and attenuating oxidative stress in metabolic syndrome condition, this study provides exciting results that for the first time, reveal the suppression of glycation by palm tocotrienol complex, which may reduce glycated haemoglobin and AGE in the liver,” – ExcelVite.
Click here for more information about tocotrienols and metabolic health.