EVNol SupraBio™ Decreases Aspirin Resistance in Patients on Blood Thinning Drugs
The incidence of aspirin resistance was significantly decreased in patients taking aspirin and clopidogrel with supplementation…
The incidence of aspirin resistance was significantly decreased in patients taking aspirin and clopidogrel with supplementation…
除了控制‘三高’,一般人也可以通过神经保护治疗来降低中风和失智症的发生,而棕榈生育三烯酚(palm tocotrienols)是其中一种获证实有助保护脑神经的成分。
无症状中风(silent stroke)又称‘无声中风’,故名思义是发病时毫无症状,有别于典型急性脑中风,难以被察觉。全球约有10%年龄介于40至50岁的中年人患有无症状中风。
The Internet Stroke Center is an informative site for information on stroke. Clinical trials conducted on…
Pretreatment of EVNol SupraBio™ shows neuroprotective effects in the cerebral ischaemia/reperfusion injury with direct effects on…